
Understanding IAM policies

One of the most critical components in any system is security. In AWS, security is at the top of their list. With Identity and Access Management, you can create users, roles, policies, and groups to secure your AWS resources. In this post, I’m going to share how to secure a S3 bucket by creating a new user with limited access. Let’s get started.

Create a new user

To create a new user, sign in to the aws console and select IAM. Select users from the left menu and click Add User. Add a user name and select programmatic access in the access type section.

Click Next. Since we don’t have a policy in place, click Next again.

Now it’s time to review our new user. Notice that aws is displaying a warning message that this user has no permissions. Click next.

We’re in the final step in creating our new user. Click on the Download .csv button. This file will contain the access key id and secret access key. We’ll use these items in the aws cli tool to access S3 buckets. You can also click on the show link below the secret access key header.

Now that we have our user ready, it’s time to create a new policy with limited permissions to a S3 bucket. Click on the Policies link on the left side menu. Click on Create Policy.

There are 2 ways to create your policy: using the visual editor and using a JSON file. For this exercise, I’m going to use a JSON file to specify the policy. Click on JSON tab next to Visual editor tab and paste below JSON.

This simple policy is allowing access to S3 PutObject action to a bucket named agileraymond-s3. As you can see, this policy is limited to what it can perform. AWS recommends that you follow the principle of least privileges. Only give access to the resources that your application needs. Click on Next and finally create your new policy.

With our new user and policy in place, we have to link our user to this new policy. Select your user and click on Add permissions button.

Click on the attach existing policies directly tab and filter policies by selecting customer managed from the filter menu next to the search input.

Click next and review your changes. And finally add permissions. We’re ready to test our new user and its permissions. Let’s use AWS CLI to test our new user. Using a terminal/command prompt, type aws configure and add access key, secret access key, region, and format. Make sure you select the same region where your resources are. In my case, I selected us-east-1 because that’s where my bucket resides.

Now, type “aws s3 ls” in your terminal window. You should see an error since we don’t have permissions to list. We only have access to PutObject for a bucket. To upload a file to our S3 bucket, type aws s3 cp myfile.txt s3://yourbucketname. If you go back to the aws console, you should see myfile.txt inside your bucket.

In conclusion, you have to secure your resources by default. Create new users with limited permissions. Give them access to resources that they need. See you next time.

AWS General

Host a website using AWS S3

Simple Storage Service was one of the first services offered by AWS. With S3 you can store your files in the cloud. In addition to storing your files, S3 allows you host a static website. In this post, I will share how to accomplish this task using the S3 console.

First, login to the aws console. Now go to the S3 console and create a bucket. To keep it simple, a bucket is like a folder or directory in your computer. For this example, I’m using agileraymond-web for my bucket name and US Virginia for my region. Click create button to create your bucket. With our bucket in place, we can enable it to host a static site. Select your bucket and click on properties tab.

Now click anywhere in the static website hosting section and select Use this bucket to host a website. I’m going to use index.html for my index page and error.html for my error page. Click save. Go ahead and create these 2 html files. To upload these files, click on the overview tab and click upload.

Add your files and click on upload button. In the overview section of your bucket, you will see 2 files. Currently the bucket and these 2 files are private. Since we are hosting a static website and other people want access to this site, we have to update the bucket permission. Go to the bucket permissions’ tab and select bucket policy. Copy and paste the below policy. Make sure to update the resource name. In my case, my bucket name is agileraymond-web but your’s will be different.
"Principal": "*",

Click save. After saving your policy, you will see the following message: “This bucket has public access. You have provided public access to this bucket. We highly recommend that you never grant any kind of public access to your S3 bucket.” For now, ignore this warning message since this bucket is acting as a public website. This policy allows all object placed in my bucket read access. It is time to test our new website. To get the URL, go to bucket properties and click on static website hosting. Next to the endpoint you will find the url. Copy and paste it in a new browser window and add /index.html to the end of the url. If everything is setup correctly, you will see the index.html page.

To test the error page, go ahead and delete index.html. After deleting index.html, try to browse to index.html. And now you should see the error page since index.html doesn’t exist anymore. As you can see, it’s very easy to create a static website using S3. See you soon!


How I landed my first job in IT

Before I tell you about my first job in IT, let me give you some background information. During my last year at Southern Methodist University, I got my resume ready to start applying for different IT jobs. I was able to attend a couple of job interviews but none of those interviews resulted in job offers. I graduated in May of 2001 and decided to take a break from my job search. I decided to continue working with my parents in their small furniture store. From 2001 to 2008, I devoted my time to improve the store and increase sales. However, the store was in a bad financial position. My brother, JR, secured a job with the City of Dallas as a code inspector. After my brother left the store, I also started applying for IT jobs. I was desperate to get into IT. So I started applying to dozens of places and went to dozens of interviews. Most of the hiring managers told me that they were looking for more experienced developers. My only experience at that time was school projects and applications I built for the furniture store. I was very disappointed and almost gave up my job search again. But this time I was determined to get a job as a software developer or any position in IT. I posted my resume in different job sites like dice, monster, and others.

I received a called from James Paul, co-founder of I couldn’t believe that someone was calling me about a job in IT. He gave me a brief description of the job and asked me to come to their offices for a face to face interview. The next morning I met James and Nic. The interview went well and the final step in the process was to speak with John. He was the software architect and I answered most of the questions correctly. Finally I spoke with Shawn, founder of PrintPlace and he offered me the job. I was so happy. Finally I was going to start my career as a software developer. In this role, I wore many hats, desktop support, setup phones, setup servers, and some .NET coding.

Now it’s your turn. How did you landed your first job in IT?