For the last few months, I’ve been preparing to take the AWS Certified Developer Associate exam. At my job, we use S3, SES, DynamoDB, EC2, CodeDeploy to develop our products. I’m planning to take the practice exam on March and the real exam on April. In this post, I want to share the top 3 resources that have helped me prepare for this certification.
- Play with the SDK
AWS provides SDK in different languages like .NET, Java, JavaScript, Ruby, and others. Download and setup the SDK. AWS provides sample projects to get you up and running quickly. I highly recommend creating your own projects and calling different methods. For example, the S3 api has PutObject to upload new objects. To retrieve objects from S3, call GetObject method. Play with the different services and methods to gain experience.
- Amazon Web Services Youtube Channel
This is one of my favorites resources to study for the AWS certified developer exam. The AWS youtube channel has videos on re:invent 2016, architecture, startups, training. When I had the need to learn more about VPC and EC2, I watched the reinvent videos from last year and it gave me a solid foundation on those services.
- AWS services FAQ
Lately, I’ve been reading the FAQs for the different services so I can take notes for future reference. For example, the FAQ for Amazon VPC has given me a strong foundation on how the service works. There are limitations on what the service can and can not do.
Well this was a short post but hopefully will help other developers pass the certification exam. Wish me luck.