.Net ASP.NET MVC AWS Code Deployment CodeDeploy Continuous Delivery

Creating AWS CodeDeploy Application Using .NET SDK

I’m a big fan of AWS and its cloud services. S3 has changed the way we store objects. EC2 has enabled us to spin up instances quickly and in a cost effective way. CodeDeploy helps developers deploy applications to EC2 instances and also on-premises servers. In this post, I want to share how to create a CodeDeploy application using the AWS .NET SDK.

First, create a new mvc project using Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code. Make sure to target .NET Core 2.0. Now that we have a new project, let’s add codedeploy nuget package. If you are using VS Code, use the built-in terminal and type “dotnet add package AWSSDK.CodeDeploy”. This will add the latest version of CodeDeploy. We also need to add an AWS nuget package to inject codedeploy service in our Startup.cs file. Run in the terminal “dotnet add package AWSSDK.Extensions.NETCore.Setup” to add this package.

Let’s modify our Startup.cs file to look like below:

In order to have access to AWS CodeDeploy api calls, we need to setup our credentials. For this example, I’m using a profile to store AWS access key id and secret access key. I’m storing the credentials outside my source code in a profile file so I can keep them secure. Also those credentials will be different between developers. To help you with this setup, follow this document to setup your AWS credentials and make sure to pay special attention to the profile section.

With the AWS profile in place, we need to add a reference to it. Take a look at my appsettings.json file. I named mine dotnetdeployments-profile since you can have multiple profiles.

We are ready to start looking that controller. Take a look at the controller below:

In connection with the controller, we also need to look at the view:

The add action in our controller displays the add view only. The view has a reference to a model called CreateApplicationRequest and this class has a property named ApplicationName. When the user clicks on the add button, a post will be triggered back to our controller. And finally, it will call the api method CreateApplicationAsync. If everything is setup correctly, we will receive a successful response and our application will be visible on the AWS console.

If you want to see a fully functional example, go to the github project dotnetdeployments and clone it locally to see a working example. Creating a CodeDeploy application is the first step in using this api. We also need to create deployment groups, deployment configs and other settings. Stay tuned for the next post in this series.

Next: Create deployment groups

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